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Taya Hubbard

Taya is a steel sculptor and is fascinated with creating dimensional objects in space. For over fifteen years, Taya has been a sculptor, working both in the commercial sector and in the fine arts realms. She was the corporate director of sculpture for a large art design firm for several years before going on her own as a professional artist. She would not want to do anything else as sculpture and her ability to create these objects is what drives her entire being.

Taya tends to be a perfectionist and her work shows this aspect of her personality as her metal sculptures are impeccable. Taya works with parts, shapes and finishes until they are just right for the particular piece of art. The strength of the metal allows her to develop linear forms. Her ability to etch, grind, color, stain and oxidize the metal sculpture provides each piece with a unique reflection of the light and evokes elegant imagery in form.

Taya received her B.F.A. from the University of North Dakota and pursued her M.F.A. from Illinois State University. Taya’s metal sculptures are in corporate and private collections all over the world and she has created many commissions to the satisfaction of all concerned.

Please call to inquire about commissioned artwork (928) 282-7130

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